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Common problems and solutions of laptop power adapter lights not turning on

Article Source:Kinri Energy | Author:Kinri Energy | Issuing Time:2024.03.28
The laptop power adapter is one of the important components of a computer, providing a stable power supply for the laptop. However, sometimes we may encounter issues with the laptop power adapter light not turning on, which can be confusing and worrying. This article will introduce common reasons that may cause laptop power adapter lights to not light up, and provide you with solutions.

Damaged power adapter

1. Check if the adapter is inserted into the power socket: First, make sure that the adapter is correctly inserted into the power socket and that the socket is working properly.

2. Check if the power cord is intact: rule out whether the adapter power cord is damaged, as damaged wires may cause the adapter light to not light up. Try using a different power cord to connect and check if the light is on.

3. Check if the adapter is damaged: If both of the above are correct, it is highly likely that the adapter itself is damaged. You can try using other adapters for testing. If the light on the new adapter lights up, you need to replace the damaged adapter.

Power socket issue

1. Check the power socket of the laptop: Sometimes the metal contacts of the power socket may not light up due to poor contact. Try gently cleaning the power socket and using a small tool to slightly bend the contacts to improve contact.

2. Check the wiring connection of the power socket: The wiring connection between the power socket and the motherboard may be loose or disconnected. Under the guidance of professionals, you can turn on the computer and check the wiring connection of the power socket.

Power management settings issue

Sometimes the power management settings of a computer may affect the brightness or working status of the adapter lights.

1. Check power management settings: Enter the computer's settings interface and ensure that the power management mode is correctly set to "High Performance" or "Do not switch modes when plugged in" to ensure that the adapter is working properly.

2. Updating computer drivers: Check if the drivers on the laptop are outdated. Updating relevant drivers in a timely manner may help solve the problem of adapter lights not turning on.

The laptop power adapter light may not light up due to various reasons, including damaged adapters, power socket issues, or power management settings issues. By checking the status of the adapter and power socket, as well as adjusting power management settings, you are expected to solve this problem. If the problem persists, it is recommended to consult a professional or contact after-sales service for more detailed assistance and support.